Baptist Student Fellowship

The Nigerian Baptist Convention’s Christian witness and ministry in institutions of higher learning are in response to the Lord’s command to make the gospel known to all persons since schools are engaged in the quest for knowledge and truth of which God is the Source, the Christian perspective is essential to realize the ultimate in education.
The unique nature of the student life and campus community demands a specialized ministry of the church to the individual need of students for redemption and Christian nurture within that community.
  • To lead students to commitment to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord
  • To involve them in the study of biblical truth and Christian discipleship
  • To lead them to relate academic disciplines to their Christian faith
  • To involve them in responsible church membership; denominational understanding, and participation
  • To involve them in the study and practical participation in mission for kingdom expansion
Salvation: Making a personal, private/public confession begins a Christian life. Regular attendance at Christian Fellowships, church programmes/activities etc. become meaningful and rewarding after the experience of second birth.
Discipleship: Becoming an obedient follower of Christ; guided by the Scripture and the Holy Spirit. Emphasis is placed on personal and group study as well as obedience to the revealed truth.
Academic Excellence: Need for a balanced spiritual and secular knowledge to enhance spiritual growth.
Churchmanship: Total commitment to, and full involvement in the programmes and activities of a local Baptist church.
Missions: Practical involvement in missions. Each BSF group is encouraged to network with local Baptist church and other Christian organization using available resources to realize the goal of global harvest.
To plan and develop materials and services acceptable for use by campus organizations, church-based-BSFs, Associations, Conferences, and Convention in: order to establish, strengthen and improve the ministry to students in schools of higher learning, and in churches.
Student Ministries in the local situation is the ministry to students on a campus or church. The ministry is conducted primarily in the following ways:
  • A student organization, which is called Baptist Student Fellowship (BSF)
  • A Campus Minister provides leadership to a campus-based BSF. This may be a fully employed person or a volunteer. The Campus Minister serves as adviser to the BSF.
  • A Church BSF Adviser provides leadership to a church-based BSF. This is a church member who is nominated by the BSF and approved by the church.
  • A Church Student Ministries Committee liaises between the church and the Student Fellowship in advising and assisting, giving particular attention to the area of student-church relationships.
  • An Associational and/or Conference Committee assist local churches and campuses in implementing programmes of Student Ministries.
Programme Design: The Student Ministries Division shall be responsible for designing a programme of Student Ministries adaptable for use on campuses, in churches, Associations, Conferences, and the Convention.
Publication of Materials: The Student Ministries Division shall make available the materials to serve as guidelines for establishing a Baptist student organization on a campus, or in a church.
The Division shall also make available such materials for strengthening and improving student organizations (e.g. promotional materials, Bible Studies, leadership training courses, discipleship courses, outreach programme and retreat plans). In addition, the Division shall make available a daily devotional guide (The annual Seek Daily).
Field Services: The Student Ministries Division shall make available the personnel to assist in the establishment, development, promotion coordination of Student Ministries (vision and programmes) throughout the Convention.
Conferences: The Student Ministries Division shall be responsible for the encouragement and promotion of Associational, Conference and National student programmes.
Accountability: The Student Ministries Division shall be responsible for reporting its work and ministry activities to the Convention.
Missions: SMD shall be responsible for planning, mobilizing students and executing mission activities.
Student Ministries Division receives support from churches, and is one of the outreach arms of the local church. Churches throughout the Nigerian Baptist Convention have a medium of ministry to students through the Baptist Student Fellowship (BSF). Student Ministries Division has a responsibility to help churches develop an effective ministry to students. In the context of the Nigerian Baptist Convention, ministry to students is the work of the church.
The BSF is an organization, a fellowship, and a ministry. It is an organization of Baptist Students, a fellowship of Christian Students, and a ministry to all students.

The logo of the BSF is a symbol which describes the purpose and goal of the ministry to students. Four (4) symbols are involved:
  • The academic cap (mortar board), stands for academic success (Acts 26:24).
  • The church building stands for the local church (Matthew 16:18).
  • The open Bible stands for the revealed Word of God (2Tim. 3:16).
  • The globe stands for the vision of the whole world (Matthew 28:19-20)
  • The mortar board, placed in the centre of the church is the symbol of academic achievement, and symbolizes the successful student.
  • The silhouetted church, in the centre of the open Bible, illustrates the New Testament church which is today the visible expression of the Word of God. The church’s spiral points upward to the ultimate source of truth and wisdom.
The successful student is a part of the New Testament church: pointing Man to the Ultimate Source of all wisdom.
The circle shows that the ministry of the church is to the whole world.
“By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35, NIV).
The Baptist Student Fellowship motto is a reminder that love and unity within the Christian community is the characteristic by which others will recognize the followers of Jesus Christ and be encouraged through their lives to follow Jesus as their saviour and Lord.
The colour of BSF is light leaf green, which stands for the physical, spiritual and intellectual growth of students. It shows that a successful student needs to grow daily and steadily in all these areas of life.
Students rise now, build the kingdom
Heed the master’s call today.
Students rise up, follow Jesus,
He’s the life, the truth, the way.
In the city, in the village
In each near or distant land
Preach the gospel, make disciples,
And fulfill the Lord’s command.
Refrain: Students rise now, rise and build. (2x)

 As true students of the Scripture
Workmen unashamed and bold
Grow in knowledge, deepen wisdom,
God’s own truth is purest Gold.
And with prayer and devotion
Seek the master’s face each day.
Let the kingdom come within you
And among you in all ways.
Refrain: Students, rise now, rise and build/2x

As the servants of the Saviour
Let God’s will be done on earth.
Joining hands with other Christians
Share the message of new birth.
We’re forgiven, we’ve been pardoned
Through the death of Jesus Christ:
God’s own love gift has been offered
Our redemption’ sacrifice.
Refrain: Students, rise now, rise and build/2x

As the members of Christ’s body
Sharing in one common life
Bearing burdens, sharing sorrows
Use God’s love to banish strife.
We’re united in the church now
Founded on the rock of faith.
We have gifts now; let us use them
That the church may grow in grace
Refrain: Students, rise now, rise and build/2x

Jesus calls us as disciples
To give all our lives to Him:
Bringing talents, time and money
And our futures yet unlived.
He is building, let us join Him
Let us answer Heaven’s call
Students, rise now, rise and follow;
Follow Him as Lord of all.
Refrain: Students, rise now, rise and build/2x

NB: Composed in 1993 by Dr. Paul Ogden Davidson, Music Department, Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, 1993.

Although a person enters into new life in Christ by a process the scripture speaks of as the new birth, this is only the beginning of the process of growing in grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Viewing the Christian life from this perspective, BSF provides varied opportunities for Christian students, who by background and/or preference, adhere to Baptist doctrines to experience those disciplines that will encourage spiritual growth, and the sharing of their faith. Spiritual growth opportunities are designed to meet personal needs for worship; the study of God’s Word; fellowship; and the practice of Christian discipleship in all aspects of life. Christian outreach provides opportunities for sharing one’s own experience of faith in Christ, and helps to develop a Christ-like concern for ministering to the total needs of others.
The common needs of students are; the need to worship, pray, be inspired, and express their devotion to God in a setting with their peer group. Such a setting may more readily attract non-Christian students, who may be influenced to receive Christ as Saviour and Lord. Thus, campus meetings for inspiration, prayer, testimony, and sharing, help to meet the needs of both Christian and non-Christian students to express faith in God through meaningful experiences.
Prayer is individual and corporate communion with God. Through prayers, we confess our sins; intercede for others; and supplicate for ourselves. Prayer is the life of BSF programmes. Prayer is to a Christian life what blood is to the body.
Students who seek to know themselves and God must first of all be students of the scriptures. The Bible is the record of God’s self-revelation to man, expressed ultimately in Jesus Christ.
In addition to Bible study periods, the BSF organizes other programmes to include talks and seminars on Bible subjects, or on relevant issues from a biblical perspective.
In the context of Baptist Student Ministries, discipleship may be defined as the process of growing in relationship with Christ by learning of Him, living under His authority, and applying His teachings to every  area of life. The call to discipleship is the ultimate demand Christ makes of believers. True discipleship will make Christ not only the Saviour, but also the Lord of life. Discipleship includes everything Christians do. It applies the knowledge of scripture to relationships, stewardship of time and resources, career choices, values, and moral standards.
While BSF is an organization, it is also a Christian fellowship. The students who participate in BSF experience a sense of oneness in community. BSF plans activities in which students may experience meaningful relationships with fellow students; senior friends, and other Christians through which the experience of Christian community is deepened. In fellowship, BSF members come to know themselves, as they belong to each other and to God. The campus fellowship is a favourable example of a broader fellowship within the community of the local church.
Students are members of a specialized academic community. They are also members of a larger and more diverse community beyond the campus. It is in the context of relationships and situations outside the campus that most students will live and work for the greater part of their lives. Thus, the BSF ministry is closely linked to the local church.
As responsible, participating church members, students become God’s instruments on campus, and also share in the church’s responsibility to bear witness to the community; to the nation; and to the world, of what God has done for man in Jesus Christ. Encouraging students in the life and work of a local church is an integral part of BSF.
BSF considers witnessing a key outreach ministry. Evangelism is an area of outreach which calls for Christians to share that which they have experienced in Christ. Evangelism involves living a life that gives credibility to one’s testimony. It means sharing verbally in the power of the Holy Spirit one’s personal experience in Christ in order to help others to know Christ as Saviour.
Sharing one’s experience in Christ is not limited by time or place. Under the leadership of the Holy Spirit it may lead students to witness on campus, in villages, in towns, throughout the nation, and to the uttermost parts of the world using every available contemporary means.
MISSIONS: Mission is the heartbeat of God.Practical involvement in missions activities. Each BSF group is encouraged to network with local Baptist church and other Christian organization using available resources to realize the goal of global harvest. Every year the SMD shall be responsible for planning, mobilizing and executing mission activities. 
Christian life is a call to be Spirit-filled, controlled, and empowered. Christians are stewards of God-given resources. Christian students are also called to be faithful and responsible in the use of their body, time, influence, material possessions, gifts, etc. to the glory of God.
Visitation activities are those functions of BSF which are directed towards meeting the needs of others. It may involve visiting the lonely, counseling students in matters of personal morality, crisis situations, decision-making times, grief experiences, or assisting in tutoring those with academic difficulties.
In visitation, a healthy BSF seeks ways to locate, enlist, and involve new students in its activities. The BSF programme offers something others students may need. The visitation programme is the medium for enlisting them for full participation in BSF programmes. The BSF visitation programme may include opportunities to establish new fellowships, and to strengthen weak ones.


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